The environmental policy and commitment of H Hotels Collection is focused on its respect for the environment by protecting it from the impacts of all its hospitality services, accommodation, food-beverage and leisure.

For this purpose, an environmental management system has been established, implemented and maintained according to the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, which is continuously improved for its performance and effectiveness.

Specifically, in this context, our Group Hotels are committed to:
• Systematically follow and implement the relevant Greek and European Community Environmental Legislation, as well as other requirements of interested parties, applicable to the activities of the hotel services provided.
• Have all the necessary permits and licenses related to the protection of the environment.
• Identify, analyze and evaluate the environmental aspects by applying continuous effort to limit the adverse impacts of its activities on the Environment, aiming at avoiding or minimizing environmental pollution.
• Operate its facilities in a way that aims at saving and sustainability of natural resources, the reduction of gaseous pollutants emissions, water use, solid and liquid waste, energy consumption, noise, other environmental nuisances, the implementation of actions to reduce impacts and adapt to climate change, protect biodiversity and protect the natural environment in any possible way in general.
• Concern about the continuous education, training and motivation of its staff in order to acquire environmental awareness and responsibility.
• Develop and implement environmental management plans to minimize the environmental impacts of its activities.
• Periodically monitor the implementation of all measures and processes, in order to ensure their effectiveness as far as it is possible.
• Inform subcontractors, suppliers, associates, staff, customers and all interested parties in general about its Environmental Policy and seek to cooperate with them on environmental protection issues.
• Set environmental objectives and evaluate periodically, at least once a year, its performance in meeting those objectives, in order to achieve continuously improvement.

The company’s management in cooperation with the designated representative and all its employees ensures the consistent implementation and effectiveness of the environmental management system.

We ask all partners, suppliers, employees and recipients of the services of the Hotel to support this effort and contribute accordingly to the protection of the environment and the achievement of the goals of our Environmental Policy.

The present is at the disposal of all relevant interested parties and is communicated with every appropriate means. This policy is reviewed for its suitability on an annual basis.

Helen Wallace – Group Quality Manager

For the management of H Hotels Collection, the protection of our customers’ health is paramount and an important component of this, is ensuring all parameters for the preparation and distribution of safe food.

This policy for the Group Hotels is implemented by systematic analysis, recognition, evaluation and control of the related risks through the development and implementation of a Management System of Food Safety in accordance with the standard ISO 22000:2018 in all phases from the procurement, the delivery, the storage, the processing up to the food supply in the food departments of the facility, taking into account the national and European law, the modern scientific data of national and international bibliography, the bilaterally agreed customer requirements for food safety and any other relevant guidelines. Emphasis is given to the formulation and monitoring, appropriate communication channels, both inside the company and with suppliers, partners, customers, competent bodies and authorities on matters related to the safety of managed food.

The management of the company is committed to ensure the implementation and compliance of the specified principles of the food safety system at all levels of the organization, the continuous improvement of the efficiency of the applied system and to provide all the resources necessary to achieve the objectives of this policy.

Emphasis is placed on the configuration and continuous monitoring of appropriate communication channels, both within the company and with suppliers, partners, customers, competent bodies and authorities on issues related to the safety of managed food.

The designated coordinator of the food safety team, as well as all employees are responsible for ensuring the consistent implementation and effectiveness of the system.

In pursuit of this policy, our company:
• Strictly applies the existing EU and national legislation and other relevant requirements
• Applies the Food Safety management principles of the involved functions.
• Develops, operates and maintains the food management facilities in accordance with specified requirements
• Outlines and implements strict operational limits and safety standards
• Has direct response mechanisms and reaction if this is deemed necessary
• Certifies to have properly trained, responsible, informed and experienced staff to implement all of the above
• Ensures the constant improvement of systems, equipment and personnel
• Promotes a food safety culture in behavior across the entire business

Measurable objectives are established for food safety that are reviewed for their suitability at regular intervals by the Management. This policy is reviewed for its suitability on an annual basis, notified and implemented at all levels of organization of the business, as well as made available to the relevant stakeholders and communicated in any indicated way.

Helen Wallace – Group Quality Manager

The management of H Hotels Collection aims at the comprehensive satisfaction of our customers through the provision of high quality standards and the continuous improvement of our internal applied processes.

Our defining goals include the professionalism that characterizes our relations with customers and partners, the dedicated application of personal data protection regulations, the quality and competency of our human and other resources and our operational procedures.

The Group Hotels provide services in the following: 1) Reservations, Reception and Accommodation 2) Housekeeping 3) Food and Beverage 4) Entertainment and Wellbeing and 5) Retail Commerce at the Mini Market.

In all these areas we apply a Quality Management System (QMS), based on the international standard ISO 9001:2015, which has been structured around customers as our central axis.  Our wish is to surpass the expectations of our guests and to create memorable experiences, satisfying the needs of the modern tourist, while also ensuring high value for money.

The needs and expectations of other interested parties, our suppliers, the local community, the monitoring authorities etc., are also important for our company and are actively included in the planning of all the relevant operations.

The holistic approach of quality by our Hotels also integrates the application of Food Safety and Environmental Management Systems, according to the ISO 22000 and ISO 14001 standards respectively.

Our specific aims are:
• best possible customer satisfaction from our services and products
• provision of high quality services
• protection of the health and safety of our guests during their stay
• continuous improvement of our services and products
• continuous improvement of our output with predefined goals.

The means to achieving our aims are:
• Optimum organisation and operation of all sectors of the Hotel and its infrastructure
• Cooperation with trustworthy suppliers and external partners who ensure the quality and safety of the products and services
• Regular monitoring of the effectiveness of the Quality Control System, through reviews and checks
• Specific definition and analysis of the needs, requirements and expectations of the customers, monitoring and measuring the level of their satisfaction
• Continuous training and development of our staff
• Recorded management of potential risks and opportunities for improvement, causes for problem & weak areas and working on the planned course of action to redress and minimize them
• Continuous monitoring and applying of the relevant national and EU laws

We establish measurable quality goals which are regularly revised by the Management as to their appropriateness. The management is responsible for the effective implementation of the quality assurance system, provision of the necessary resources, following the legal and regulatory requirements and requirements that arise from interested parties, the continuous improvement of the QMS and calls all partners, suppliers, employees and recipients of the services of the Hotels to support its effort and contribute accordingly to the achievements of its specified goals, based on the present framework.

The Group’s Management has appointed its representatives and supports the development of a quality culture according to which all employees take responsibility for quality and participate in its assurance and the consistent implementation and effectiveness of the QMS adopting the objectives and the objectives of this policy.

This policy is reviewed annually for any updates.

Helen Wallace – Group Quality Manager

The H Hotels Collection group of hotels is a pioneering organization in Greece with the field of activity “Provision of Hotel Services”. The physical boundaries of its activity are the boundaries of the 6 hotel unitson the island of Rhodes:

• MAYIA EXCLUSIVE RESORT & SPA, Kiotari, Rhodes, Greece.
• PRINCESS ANDRIANA RESORT & SPA, Kiotari, Rhodes, Greece.
• BOUTIQUE 5 HOTEL & SPA, Kiotari, Rhodes, Greece
• RODOS PRINCESS BEACH RESORT & SPA, Kiotari, Rhodes, Greece,
• PRINCESS SUN HOTEL & SPA, Kiotari, Rhodes, Greece

Through its obligations, which are governed by the compliance of the requirements of the EN ISO 50001:2018 standard for energy management systems, it is committed to:

• meeting applicable legal requirements and other requirements related to energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption,
• an understanding of the nature, scope and environmental impact of the energy use of its activities and services,
• the availability of all resources, information and means necessary to ensure the effective operation of the organization and the integrated management system,
• establishing and monitoring the achievement of objectives and targets relating to energy performance,
• the training of its employees in the implementation of services, energy management and the provision of a safe operating environment
• the measurement and continuous monitoring of critical elements and processes to ensure the energy improvement of the Group,
• the continuous improvement of the integrated management system and energy efficiency
• monitoring of its external providers regarding compliance with the above and the supply of energy efficient products and services that affect energy performance
• periodically reviewing this policy for continued appropriateness,
• the planning of activities that address energy efficiency improvements.

Helen Wallace – Group Quality Manager